Sunday, September 20, 2009

Toa Lesovikk: prequel (Updated Lesovikk)

Lesovikk looked out into the mirky expanse of the Pit. Working with Hydraxon, the two had recaptured all of the escaped prisoners of the pit, only to have many of them released in the Destiny War of the Order of Mata Nui. Now, he and Hydraxon were still in a state of shock about the sudden turn in events.
"Well, it's nice to know that even in failure, we did our part" Lesovikk said to Hydraxon
Lesovikk grabbed his friend's hand but then yanked it back away from Hydraxon's armored fist in pain. Lesovikk found that he could not breath, but why? he breathed water and that was all that there was around him. Then he had an idea. He created an air bubble around himself. He could breathe air again!.
"I can breath air again!" Lesovikk exclaimed. "I know what I am to do Hydraxon. I must journey to the surface to resist Makuta"
Hydraxon outfitted Lesovikk with a few new blades and Lesovikk began the ascent to the surface on his sea/air be continued

Toa Lesovikk's extended time in the mutagenic waters of the pit and exposure to the Ignika's energies still coursing through Hydraxon's body have given his armor the ability to absorb new metal and more metal into itself.


  1. Wow, This should be in the real storyline, it's better than the story currently around Lesovikk.
