To be Continued...
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Lesovikk: Resisting the Shadow: Part 2
Monday, September 21, 2009
Lesovikk: Resisting the Shadow: Part 1
Be sure to read the prequel but here's story part 1
Lesovikk began his ascent to the surface. His sea/air sled had faithfully served him since the day he made it, and it still ran very well. After about 200 bios (900 ft), A Maxilos robot with a water propulsion unit caught up to him. Lesovikk was not going extremely fast, so it was explainable how the Maxilos caught up to him, but was not explainable at that moment was when the Maxilos came up and hacked Lesovikk's sled in half with it's Black Fire Sword! Lesovikk was angry, but he finally figured out that the prison guard's programming had registered him as a convict trying to escape. Not wanting to destroy it, He evaded the attacks of the Fire Sword and the robot's cordak missiles before guiding one of his own missiles with his air power around the attempted parry from the fire sword; into the Maxilo's chest. While the now-damaged robot was off-balance, Lesovikk quickly swam over and swiped the water propulsion unit and cordak blaster from the robot and then used a concentrated blast of air to send the Maxilos robot hurtling towards the floor of the Pit. Lesovikk was satisfied for the moment, but knew that the Maxilos would try to return.
"I hope Hydraxon shuts it down, but that would be a miracle of him being in the right place at the right time" Lesovikk thought "Each moment I waste could be the end of this universe"
The real damage had been done to his sled. The Motor had been damaged beyond any quick repair, so Lesovikk lashed the pieces of the sled together and then lashed the water propulsion unit to the back. On his way again, Lesovikk kept watch for any signs of a returning robot. After half the day was done, Lesovikk figured he might be about 1.2 kios (half a mile) from the surface. He did see something coming up now, but it was not Maxilos. A massive Takea shark-like rahi was intending for Lesovikk and his damaged craft to be it's next meal. Lesovikk swung hard right at the controls of his sled, narrowly evading the rahi's first pass. The veteran Toa of Air had dealt with rahi before, but not quite of this size. One advantage was that the Takea shark-like creature did not have the speed a muaka or a rock lion, but this one had sheer size and power. Lesovikk fired a few blasts of air at the beast. These definitely sparked the temper of the rahi, but didn't seem to do much damage. On the next pass, Lesovikk fired a cordak missile into the gaping mouth. This did little to calm the rahi, but it was severely damaging to it. Still the rahi kept it's attack up. Lesovikk then separated himself from the sled and took the water propulsion unit for him self. The effect was what Lesovikk wanted, the rahi, went after the live, green object, drawing his attention from the sled. Taking three missiles and wrapping them together, Lesovikk left them in the water behind and the beast took the bait. After a few moments, the beast let out a mortal groan and separated into two pieces from the blast. What was even more surprising was what was inside. An entire ship had apparently been swallowed whole. Lesovikk retrieved his sled, which had begun to sink, and went to investigate. Using his air power, Lesovikk created bubbles of air to cause the ship to rise so he would not be delayed in his journey to the surface. On the deck, there were bodies of Makutas and rahkshi littered in sporadically across it.
"Teridax is truly treacherous. Using his new power over the elements to sink his own brotherhood's ships" Lesovikk thought. He knew instantly what had happened.
As he went below deck, the Toa of Air found two protosteel blades and the body of another toa with them. He put them on his back, putting his originals in their place.
"These blades will be honored yet again" he told the corpse.
Lesovikk reach down and banged the fist in Toa Salute. A strange thing happened though. Lesovikk's armor began to absorb some of the armor from the falllen Toa of Air and before he could stop it, Lesovikk's armor had become much more protective, yet he could move just as well.
"I don't know how this happened, but I certainly did not mean to 'strip the dead.' do not take this as dishonor" he said again to the corpse
Now outfitted more thoroughly, Lesovikk became aware that someone was watching him. He went up on deck and waited silently in ambush, but there was a much bigger problem. now, a swarm of the Massive rahi that Lesovikk had just recently defeated were closing in on the ship....
To Be continued.....
Pleeze Comment.....
Lesovikk began his ascent to the surface. His sea/air sled had faithfully served him since the day he made it, and it still ran very well. After about 200 bios (900 ft), A Maxilos robot with a water propulsion unit caught up to him. Lesovikk was not going extremely fast, so it was explainable how the Maxilos caught up to him, but was not explainable at that moment was when the Maxilos came up and hacked Lesovikk's sled in half with it's Black Fire Sword! Lesovikk was angry, but he finally figured out that the prison guard's programming had registered him as a convict trying to escape. Not wanting to destroy it, He evaded the attacks of the Fire Sword and the robot's cordak missiles before guiding one of his own missiles with his air power around the attempted parry from the fire sword; into the Maxilo's chest. While the now-damaged robot was off-balance, Lesovikk quickly swam over and swiped the water propulsion unit and cordak blaster from the robot and then used a concentrated blast of air to send the Maxilos robot hurtling towards the floor of the Pit. Lesovikk was satisfied for the moment, but knew that the Maxilos would try to return.
"I hope Hydraxon shuts it down, but that would be a miracle of him being in the right place at the right time" Lesovikk thought "Each moment I waste could be the end of this universe"
The real damage had been done to his sled. The Motor had been damaged beyond any quick repair, so Lesovikk lashed the pieces of the sled together and then lashed the water propulsion unit to the back. On his way again, Lesovikk kept watch for any signs of a returning robot. After half the day was done, Lesovikk figured he might be about 1.2 kios (half a mile) from the surface. He did see something coming up now, but it was not Maxilos. A massive Takea shark-like rahi was intending for Lesovikk and his damaged craft to be it's next meal. Lesovikk swung hard right at the controls of his sled, narrowly evading the rahi's first pass. The veteran Toa of Air had dealt with rahi before, but not quite of this size. One advantage was that the Takea shark-like creature did not have the speed a muaka or a rock lion, but this one had sheer size and power. Lesovikk fired a few blasts of air at the beast. These definitely sparked the temper of the rahi, but didn't seem to do much damage. On the next pass, Lesovikk fired a cordak missile into the gaping mouth. This did little to calm the rahi, but it was severely damaging to it. Still the rahi kept it's attack up. Lesovikk then separated himself from the sled and took the water propulsion unit for him self. The effect was what Lesovikk wanted, the rahi, went after the live, green object, drawing his attention from the sled. Taking three missiles and wrapping them together, Lesovikk left them in the water behind and the beast took the bait. After a few moments, the beast let out a mortal groan and separated into two pieces from the blast. What was even more surprising was what was inside. An entire ship had apparently been swallowed whole. Lesovikk retrieved his sled, which had begun to sink, and went to investigate. Using his air power, Lesovikk created bubbles of air to cause the ship to rise so he would not be delayed in his journey to the surface. On the deck, there were bodies of Makutas and rahkshi littered in sporadically across it.
"Teridax is truly treacherous. Using his new power over the elements to sink his own brotherhood's ships" Lesovikk thought. He knew instantly what had happened.
As he went below deck, the Toa of Air found two protosteel blades and the body of another toa with them. He put them on his back, putting his originals in their place.
"These blades will be honored yet again" he told the corpse.
Lesovikk reach down and banged the fist in Toa Salute. A strange thing happened though. Lesovikk's armor began to absorb some of the armor from the falllen Toa of Air and before he could stop it, Lesovikk's armor had become much more protective, yet he could move just as well.
"I don't know how this happened, but I certainly did not mean to 'strip the dead.' do not take this as dishonor" he said again to the corpse
Now outfitted more thoroughly, Lesovikk became aware that someone was watching him. He went up on deck and waited silently in ambush, but there was a much bigger problem. now, a swarm of the Massive rahi that Lesovikk had just recently defeated were closing in on the ship....
To Be continued.....
Pleeze Comment.....
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Toa Lesovikk: prequel (Updated Lesovikk)
Lesovikk looked out into the mirky expanse of the Pit. Working with Hydraxon, the two had recaptured all of the escaped prisoners of the pit, only to have many of them released in the Destiny War of the Order of Mata Nui. Now, he and Hydraxon were still in a state of shock about the sudden turn in events.
"Well, it's nice to know that even in failure, we did our part" Lesovikk said to Hydraxon
Lesovikk grabbed his friend's hand but then yanked it back away from Hydraxon's armored fist in pain. Lesovikk found that he could not breath, but why? he breathed water and that was all that there was around him. Then he had an idea. He created an air bubble around himself. He could breathe air again!.
"I can breath air again!" Lesovikk exclaimed. "I know what I am to do Hydraxon. I must journey to the surface to resist Makuta"
Hydraxon outfitted Lesovikk with a few new blades and Lesovikk began the ascent to the surface on his sea/air be continued
Toa Lesovikk's extended time in the mutagenic waters of the pit and exposure to the Ignika's energies still coursing through Hydraxon's body have given his armor the ability to absorb new metal and more metal into itself.
Lesovikk: Prequel (Prototype Lesovikk)
These were prototypes of Lesovikk
-the prequel can be read in the updated version of Lesovikk
(Toa Lesovikk: Prequel (Updated Lesovikk))-
-the prequel can be read in the updated version of Lesovikk
(Toa Lesovikk: Prequel (Updated Lesovikk))-
Toa Lesovikk's extended time in the mutagenic waters of the pit and exposure to the Ignika's energies still coursing through Hydraxon's body have given his armor the ability to absorb new metal and more metal into itself.
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